User commands



Displays user quotas on Cholesky's BeeGFS file system.

$ cholesky_quota_user -w -m
Quota Name  Directory                               Used    Hard    Use%    Error(s)
----------  ---------                               ----    ----    ----    --------
HOME        /mnt/beegfs/home/CPHT/       2,4GiB  10GiB   23.87%  No
WORKDIR     /mnt/beegfs/workdir/         2,0GiB  200GiB  0.99%   Yes

Quota error(s): please check file permissions given by -c option.

The quotas are refreshed every 10 minutes. All the information is not in real time
and may not reflect your real storage occupation.


If you see Yes in the Error(s) column for a quota, it means that there are one or more permissions errors on the files and/or folders present in the corresponding disk space. To view the files/folders in error, you must run the command with the -c option. The problem is mainly solved by changing the owner group of the file(s)/folder(s) with the unix chgrp command.


Usage: /usr/local/sbin/cholesky_quota_user [OPTIONS] [USER]

Get USER's quota informations on Cholesky HPC cluster.


    [-m | --home]                 Get HOME quota informations.
    [-w | --work]                 Get WORKDIR quota informations.
    [-p | --project[=<PROJECT>]]  Get all project(s) or specified <PROJECT> quota(s) informations.
    [-a | --all]                  Get all quotas informations.
    [-c | --check]                Check and display file permission error(s).
    [-h | --help]                 Prints help.



For project managers, displays disk spaces(s) of each member of your(s) project(s) on Cholesky's BeeGFS file system.


By default, a project does not have dedicated disk space. If you want such a space, the manager of a project must send a justified request to the Executive Committee.

$ cholesky_quota_project
PROJECT: projectx DIRECTORY: /mnt/beegfs/project/projectx
Login             Used    Use%   Error(s)
-----             ----    ----   --------       9,6MiB  0.01%  No

The quotas are refreshed every 10 minutes. All the information is not in real time
and may not reflect your real storage occupation.


If you see Yes in the Error(s) column for a member, it means that there are one or more permissions errors on the member's files and/or folders in the project space. To view the files/folders in error, you must then run the command with the -c option. The problem is mainly solved by changing the owner group of the file(s)/folder(s) with the unix chgrp command.


Usage: /usr/local/sbin/cholesky_quota_project [OPTIONS] [USER]

Get Project(s) quota(s) information(s) on Cholesky HPC cluster.


    [-p | --project <PROJECT>]  Get all project(s) or specified <PROJECT> quota(s) informations.
    [-c | --check]              Check and display file permission error(s).
    [-h | --help]               Prints help.